Jeju National University/Carbon Free Island Jeju
제주대학교/(사)카본프리아일랜드 Professor/Chief Director 교수/이사장
이개명은 1991년부터 제주대학교 교수로 재직하고 있으며, 공과대학장, 스마트그리드 인력양성 사업단장 등의 보직을 역임하였으며, 전기에너지분야 교육, 연구와 봉사 업적으로 다수의 장관 표창을 받았다. 2030년 Carbon-free 달성을 목표로 하는 제주특별자치도의 핵심 전문가로서 에너지위원장, 풍력발전심의위원, 환경정책심의위원 등을 역임하였다. 카본중립 관련 단체의 조직, 각종 행사의 참여와 개최, 국내외 강연 등을 통해 지구온난화의 심각성을 알리고 신재생에너지와 전기자동차 보급을 통한 Carbon-free 달성을 적극 주장하고 있다.
Prof. Gaemyoung LEE has been a professor of the Electrical Engineering Department since 1991 and the director of the Center Cultivating Smart-grid Manpower since 2015, and was the Dean of the Engineering College of the Jeju National University in ROK. He received several awards from Korean central government due to his achievement in the fields of the research, education and industrial co-work on electrical energy, smart-grid, electric vehicles and renewable energy. He has been acting as one of core energy specialists supporting for the carbon emission net-zero policy of the Jeju Special Self-government Province that has the goal to accomplish a carbon-free island by 2030. He found the nonprofit organizations, organized several academic conferences on electric vehicle and has made speeches in the international events in order to publicize the serious of global warming and the importance of penetrating renewable energy and electric vehicles to realize the carbon–free world. He presented the papers with the titles such as “Characteristics of Wind Power Generation in Jeju Island“, ""Analysis on the Generation Characteristics of the 1MW PV Plant in the Jeju Island” and “The Effects of Penetration of the Electric Vehicles on the Electric Power Grid in Jeju”. |