Jay WANG | |
USC Center on Public Diplomacy
USC 공공외교센터 Director 소장
A scholar and consultant in the fields of strategic communication and public diplomacy, Jian (Jay) Wang is director of the Center on Public Diplomacy and an associate professor at USC Annenberg. He previously worked for the international consulting firm McKinsey & Company, where he advised clients on matters of communication strategy and implementation across a variety of industries and sectors. Wang has written widely on the role of communication in the contemporary process of globalization. He is co-editor of the newly published book Debating Public Diplomacy: Now and Next. He is the author of Shaping China’s Global Imagination: Nation Branding at the World Expo and several other books. His research has been published in Journal of Communication, Journal of Broadcast & Electronic Media, Management Communication Quarterly, Public Relations Review and Place Branding & Public Diplomacy. He serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Communication.