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LIM Yun Suk
Channel News Asia
채널 뉴스아시아
Seoul Bureau Chief 서울지국장
싱가포르 국영방송인 채널뉴스아시아(Channel NewsAsia)의 한국 지국장 임연숙 선임 특파원은 1988년 서울올림픽을 취재로 언론계에 입성하였으며 기자로서 로이터, AFP, 블룸버그 등에서 근무해왔고 특히 1990년대 초반부터는 남북 고위급회담, 제네바 4자회담을 취재했을뿐만 아니라 싱가포르와 하노이에서 역사적인 북미회담 등을 지난 30여년간 심층 보도해왔습니다.

임연숙 선임 특파원은 미국 조지워싱턴 대학교에서 국제정치학을 전공하였고 CNA에는 2000년에 합류하여 국제방송사에서 영어로 방송하는 몇 안 되는 언론인 중 한명이며 현재 CNA의 한국지국장으로 근무중입니다.

"Lim Yun Suk is Senior Correspondent in South Korea for CNA, an English-language international news channel that reports on global developments with Asian perspectives. She has more than 30 years of experience in television news reporting and writing for international news agencies, bringing in-depth coverage and analysis of Korean peninsula issues to audiences.

Yun Suk started her journalism career by reporting on the 1988 Seoul Olympics after graduating from George Washington University with a BA in International Affairs. She then worked for the English-language Korea Times where she covered social issues across South Korea. Following that, Yun Suk spent several years reporting for news agencies Reuters and Agence France-Presse.

Yun Suk joined CNA in 2000 for her first encounter with TV news, giving international viewers a better understanding of the long-standing conflict on the Korean peninsula. She left briefly to join Bloomberg to cover finance and business stories in South Korea, and rejoined CNA in 2006.

Yun Suk covered the high-level talks between South and North Korea from the early 1990s, and the four-party peace talks in Geneva. She also went to Singapore and Hanoi to report on the historic summit meetings between the United States and North Korea.

Yun Suk is one of the few South Korean journalists who report live on TV in English for an international news channel.