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Jeffrey SCHOTT
Peterson Institute for International Economics
피터슨 국제경제연구소
Senior Fellow 선임연구위원
제프리 쇼트 국제경제연구소(IIE) 선임연구위원은 1983년부터 피터슨연구소에서 활동하면서 국제 무역정책과 경제제재 등을 연구하고 있다. 연구소에서의 재임기간 동안, 프린스턴 대학교(1994)에서 초빙교수와 조지타운 대학교(1986-88)에서 부교수를 역임하였다. 또한 미국 재무부의 국제 무역과 에너지 정책부에서 일했으며(1974-82) 카네기 국제평화재단에서 상임고문으로 활동하였다(1982-83). 다자간 무역협상의 도쿄 라운드에서 GATT 보조금 코드(Subsidies Code)를 협상했던 미국 대표단의 일원이었고, 미 국무부 국제경제정책 자문위원회 위원이자 미 무역대표부 무역환경정책 자문위원회 위원을 지내기도 했다. 제프리 쇼트는 통상 관련 다수의 출판물을 집필, 편저 및 공동 저술한 바 있으며, 대표적인 저술로는 The Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Assessment (2016), From Drift to Deals: Advancing the WTO Agenda (2015), Local Content Requirements: A Global Problem (2013), Economic Sanctions Reconsidered (2007), and Free Trade between Korea and the United States? (2001) 가 있다. 제프리 쇼트는 세인트루이스의 워싱턴대학교를 차석으로 졸업(1971), 존스홉킨스 국제정치대학원에서 국제관계학 석사를 취득했다(1973).

Jeffrey J. Schott joined the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 1983 and is a senior fellow working on international trade policy and economic sanctions. During his tenure at the Institute, Schott also has taught at Princeton University (1994) and Georgetown University (1986–88). He was formerly a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1982–83) and an official of the US Treasury Department (1974–82) in international trade and energy policy. During the Tokyo Round of multilateral trade negotiations, he was a member of the US delegation that negotiated the GATT Subsidies Code. He formerly was a member of the Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy of the US Department of State and co-chaired the Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee of the US Trade Representative’s office. Schott is the author, coauthor, or editor of numerous books on trade, including The Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Assessment (2016), From Drift to Deals: Advancing the WTO Agenda (2015), Local Content Requirements: A Global Problem (2013), Economic Sanctions Reconsidered (2007), and Free Trade between Korea and the United States? (2001). Schott holds a BA degree magna cum laude from Washington University, St. Louis (1971) and an MA degree with distinction in international relations from the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University (1973).