HUH Won-Soon | |
The Korea Economic Daily
한국경제신문사 Editorial Writer 논설위원
허원순은 한국경제신문 논설위원이다. 서울대학교 및 연세대학교에서 각각 학사 및 석사를 취득하였고 조지타운대학교 자본시장연구소(Capital Market Research Center)에서 방문학자를 지냈다. 허원순은 대통령직속공공기관위원회, 행정안전부 중앙투자심사위원회 위원이며, 다년간 행안부 및 기획재정부 정책자문위 위원과 정책성과평가위 위원을 지냈다. 허 위원은 한국기자협회가 선정한 “이달의 기자”상을 2회 및 대통령 표창을 수상했다. 저서로는 <하이테크 시대의 로테크>, <대통령으로 산다는 것>, <맛있는 경제 톡쏘는 경제>(공저), <DJ 시대의 경제읽기>(공저) 가 있다. 허 위원은 10년 넘게 한국경제신문 논설위원으로 활동 중이며 국제부장 등을 지냈다. 입사 초기에는 주로 정부부처를 다루었고 청와대 취재 시절에는 50여개국을 방문하였고 대통령 해외순방 기자단으로 17차례 취재한 바 있다.
Huh, Won Soon is an editorialist for The Korea Economic Daily. He took the bachelor's degree in Seoul National Univ., the master's in Yonsei Graduate School, and completed a visiting scholar at CMRC(Capital Market Research Center) at Georgetown Univ. He works for the Committee of Management of Public Institutions(Presidential Commission), Central Investment Deliberation Committee(MOIS, Ministry of the Interior and Safety), etc. He was a former member of the Policy Advisory Committee of MOIS and MOEF(Ministry of Economy and Finance), and also worked as member of a Policy Performance Evaluation Committee of the two ministries for years. He has won two times "Journalist of the Month Awards" by the Korean Journalists Association(KJA), and also received a presidential citation. He has written <Low-Tech in the High-Tech Age>, <Living as a President>, <Tasty Economy, Tangy Economy>(co-author), and <Understanding of Economy in DJ Age>(co-author). He has worked for 10 years of an editorial writer at The Korea Economic Daily and was a former chief editor for the City desk and International department. Earlier in his reporter years, he mainly covered the government ministries. During the period covered the Blue House, he has visited over 50 countries and accompanied the President with the overseas reports 17 times. |