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KIM Kapsik
Korea Institute for National Unification
Senior Research Fellow 선임연구위원
김갑식은 현재 통일연구원 통일정책연구실 선임연구위원으로서 북한정치, 통일정책, 남남갈등 분야를 전문적으로 연구하는 정치학자이다. 김갑식은 서울대학교에서 북한 최고인민회의를 주제로 정치학 석사 학위를 받았으며, 동 대학교에서 북한의 당·군·정 관계를 전공으로 정치학 박사 학위를 받았다. kapsik@kinu.or.kr

Kapsik Kim is a senior research fellow at Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU). He is a political Scientist specializing in North Korea politics, Unification policy and South-South conflict. He earned his BA and MA in Political Science with a focus on the Supreme People's Assembly in North Korea from Seoul National University, received his PhD in Political Science with a focus on the relation among Party, Military, and Government in North Korea From Seoul National University. He can be reached at kapsik@kinu.or.kr.