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KIM Jae-Gu
Special Committee for Regional Balanced Development at the 20th Presidential
Transition Commission 제20대 대통령직인수위원회 지역균형발전특별위원회
Commissioner 위원
김재구는 20대대통령직인수위원회 지역균형발전특별위원으로 활동하였다. 서울대학교 경영대를 졸업하여 한국노동연구원 연구위원과 스탠포드대학교 초빙연구원을 역임하여 현재 명지대학교 경영대학 교수이다. 조직생태학, 앙트러프레너십, 소셜벤처, 그리고 정부혁신 등에 초점을 두고 연구하였고,다양한 조직에서 봉사해왔다. 공공기관 한국사회적기업진흥원 원장, 그리고 국제기구인 소셜엔터프라이즈월드포럼 이사를 역임하였고 공익법인 함께일하는재단 이사이다. 그는 한국경영학계 대표 학술단체인 한국경영학회의 차기 회장이며, 올해 한국인사조직학회 회장을 맡고 있다.

Jae-Gu Kim is a member of the 20th Presidential Transition Committee and he is a former President of the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency. He was granted all his degrees, from a bachelor’s to a Ph.D. in Business Administration at Seoul National University. After that, he built his research career at the Korea Labor Institute and Stanford University. He is a professor of Business Administration at Myongji University(Seoul) over 20 years. His research focuses on organizational theory, strategic management, social venture, entrepreneurship, government reinvention. His academic zeal toward these topics contributed to his admission to several professional organizations; he was a member of committees of Korean Presidential Office and a board member of Social Enterprise World Forum. He is the chairman-elect of the Korea Academic Society of Business Administration and also the chairman of the Korea Academy of Management in 2022.