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JANG Soojin
Marine Animal Research and Conservation
Director 대표
장수진은 연구를 중심으로 한 해양동물보전단체 해양동물생태보전연구소(Marine Animal Research and Conservation, MARC) 창립자이자 대표이다. 해양포유류와 바다거북을 연구하며 얻은 학술적 지식을 해양동물보전에 활용하고자 힘쓰고 있다. MARC를 통해 연구 및 캠페인, 시민참여과학 등다양한 활동을 전개하고 있으며 '저듸, 곰새기'의 저자이기도 하다. MARC는 그 활동을 바탕으로2020년 10월 해양보호생물 보호·보전 유공장관 표창을 수상했다.

Soojin Jang is the founder and director of Marine Animal Research and Conservation (MARC), a research-oriented marine animal conservation NPO. She seeks to use her academic knowledge from marine mammal and sea turtle research to protect and conserve marine animals. She conducts various activities, including research and campaigns, such as citizen science campaigns in MARC, and she is the author of 'There are dolphins'.Based on its activities, MARC was awarded a commendation for the 'Protected Marine Species Protection and Conservation' from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in October 2020.