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CHAE Yeon-Seok
Aviation & Railway Accident Investigation Board
Chairman 위원장
채연석은 1975년 경희대학교에서 물리학을 전공하고, 1984년과 1987년에 미국 미시시피주립대학교 항공우주공학과에서 석·박사 학위를 받았다. 대학생 시절인 1975년, 세종시대(1448)에 개발되어 사용된 한국형 로켓무기 '신전'을 발견하고 1993년에 복원했다. 채연석 박사는 한국항공우주연구원(KARI)에서 23년간 액체 추진제 로켓 엔진을 연구한 로켓 엔지니어이다, 2002년 11월에는 국내 최초 액체 추진체 사운딩 로켓(KSR-3) 개발을 맡아 성공적으로 발사하였고, 2002년 12월에는 제6대 한국항공우주연구원장으로 취임하여 '나로우주센터' 착공과 '나로우주발사체' 개발에 착수하였다. 2002년에는 '대한민국 국회 과학기술대상'을 수상하였고, 2003년에는 '과학기술훈장'을 수상하였다.

Yeon-Seok Chae majored in physics at Kyunghee University in Korea and graduated in 1975. He received his master's & doctoral degree in 1984 and 1987 from the Department of aerospace engineering, Mississippi State University, USA. In 1975, when he was a university student, he found the Korean rocket weapon “Shinjeon,” developed and used during the Sejong era(1448), and restored it in 1993. He is a rocket engineer who has researched liquid propellant rocket engines for 23 years at the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. In November 2002, he took charge of developing Korea's first liquid propellant Sounding Rocket(KSR-3) and successfully launched it. In December 2002, he was appointed the 6th president of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute and started the construction of the 'Naro Space Center' and the development of the 'Naro Space Launch Vehicle'. In 2002, it was awarded the 'Korea National Assembly Science and Technology Award'. And in 2003, he was awarded the 'Science and Technology Medal of Honor'.