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PARK Won Gyu
Pukyong National University
Dean 학장
2010년부터 부경대학교에 재직중. 2013년과 2014년에는 FAO 수산위원회 부의장을 역임. 2015년부터 세계수산대학원 설립준비위원을 역임했으며, 2021년 3월부터 8월까지 세계수산대학원 시범프로그램 원장을 역임. 2016년부터 북태평양 해양과학기구(PICES)의 BIO 한국위원회 위원과 부의장을 역임중임. 현재는 한국수산과학회 회장, 부경대학교 수산과학대학 학장을 역임중.

Since 2010, working at Pukyong National University. In 2013 and 2014, served as Vice-Chair of the FAO Fisheries Committee. Since 2015, served as a member of the preparation committee for the establishment of the World Fisheries University, and served as the Dean of the World Fisheries University Pilot Programme from March to August 2021. Since 2016, served as a member of Korean committee and vice-chair of the BIO of the North Pacific Ocean Science Organization (PICES). Currently serving as the president of the Korean Society for Fisheries Science and the Dean of the College of Fisheries Sciences, Pukyong National University.