KIM Youngchul | |
Jeju Province Development Corporation
제주특별자치도개발공사 President 사장
Mr, Kim is the President of Jeju Province Development Corporation(JPDC). He obtained his Bachelor's degree from Seoul National University. When he has been in Japan, he obtained his Master's degree from the graduate school of University of Tokyo and finished a doctoral course.
He has started his career as Team Leader of Marketing and Research in Hyundai Research Center and worked as a Head of HR group in KMAC and a consultant of Nongshim Leadership Academy. He has mainly worked to build the Marketing, Management Innovation and Enterprise Vision and gained many years of experience. He was involved as a consultant in the Samdasoo project of JPDC 20 years ago and established the basis of the myth of Samdasoo, has been a first class brand and the largest market share in Korea from 1998. He was appointed to the President of JPDC the November 2014, He has been promoting various innovation to establish a solid foothold of Samdasoo in national market again. 김영철 사장은 현재 제주특별자치도개발공사 사장으로 재직하고 있다. 서울대학교에서 학사학위(1984)를, 일본 동경대학교에서 석사학위(1988)취득과 박사과정(1992)을 수료하였다. 1992년 현대리서치연구소를 시작으로, 1995년 이후 KMAC, 2008년 이후 농심인재원등 사업 책임자로 역임하면서 마케팅, 경영혁신과 기업비전을 구축하는 일을 주 업무 분야로 실천했다 김영철사장은 20년전 제주특별자치도개발공사의 삼다수 프로젝트에 컨설턴트로 참여해 대한민국 1등 브랜드, 점유율 1위라는 삼다수 신화의 바탕을 그렸다. 지난 2014년 11월 제주특별자치도개발공사 사장으로 임명돼 흔들리는 삼다수의 국내 입지를 다시 견고히 세우는 등의 혁신을 추진하고 있다. |