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CHO Jung Hee
Korea Maritime Institute
Vice President 부원장
현재 한국해양수산개발원 부원장으로 재직하고 있다. 인하대학교에서 해양학 학사, Nova Southeastern Univ 에서 Coastal Zone Management 석사, 그리고 University of Rhode Island 에서 환경자원경제학 석사와 자원경제학 박사 학위를 받았다. 현재 수산경영학회 수석부회장, 국립수산과학원의 수산자원회복 광역위원회 위원, 환경부의 지속가능발전위원회 전문위원회 위원으로 국가 어업 정책 연구 및 국제 협력 분야에서 폭 넓은 경험을 가지고 있다.

Dr. Cho has worked at the Korea Maritime Institute(KMI) since 2001. His current position is the vice president. Dr. Cho received his Bachelor in Oceanography from Inha University in the Republic of Korea, followed by Master’s Degree in Coastal Zone Management from Nova Southeastern University in the USA. He also earned his Master’s Degree in Resource Economics and his Ph.D. in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from University of Rhode Island in the USA. He has extensive experience in national fisheries policy research and international cooperation in fisheries. Throughout his career, he has been recognized for his leading role in the management of international fisheries resources and sustainable development in fisheries.