JUNG Sung Chul | |
Myongji University
명지대학교 Associate Professor 부교수
현재 명지대학교 정치외교학과 부교수이며 국제정치와 외교정책, 동아시아 국제관계를 연구하고 강의하고 있다. 통일연구원 부연구위원과 객원연구위원을 역임하였으며 미국 럿거스 대학(Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey- New Brunswick)에서 정치학 박사학위를 취득하였다. 한국국제정치학회 논문상(2017년)을 수상했으며, 『한국정치학회보』, Armed Forces & Society, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Peace Research 등의 학술지에 연구업적을 게재하였다.
Sung Chul JUNG is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University, South Korea. He teaches and studies international relations, foreign policy analysis, and East Asian politics. Previously he received his PhD in political science from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick, and was Research Fellow at Korea Institute for National Unification. His papers appeared in academic journals, including Armed Forces & Society, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Peace Research, and Korean Political Science Review. |