KWON Goosoon | |
Seoul Cyber University
서울사이버대학교 Professor 교수
권구순 교수는 현재 서울사이버대학교 국제협력-북한전공 책임교수로 지난 10여년간 국제개발, 글로벌화, 평화구축을 강의하고 있다. 주요연구분야로는 평화구축과 개발, 인도적 지원, 유엔평화활동, 민군협력이다. 학계 입문 전, 적십자운동, 국제비정부기구, 유엔평화임무단에서 인도적 지원, 국제개발, 전후 평화구축 및 재건 등 현장임무를 담당한 경험이 있다. 현재, 국제개발협력학회 총무위원장, 외교부 무상원조협의회 전문가단, KOICA 평화-인도적 지원 전문위원, 육군 공병분야 발전위원을 역임하고 있다. 고려대학교 국제대학원에서 국제관계학 박사학위를 취득하였다.
Dr. Kwon, Goosoon is head of International Cooperation and North Korean Studies at Seoul Cyber University, where he has devoted to teach international development, globalization, peacebuilding past the decade. His research focuses on Peacebuilding and development, humanitarian assistance, UN peace operations, and civil-military cooperation. Before joining academia, he had a variety of field experiences, including humanitarian action, international development and post-conflict peacebuilding and reconstruction in the Red Cross movement, INGO and UN mission (UNMIL). At present, Dr. Kwon has served as chair of general affairs committee to the Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC); member of advisory committee on Council of Organizations for Grant Aid (MOFA); member of the expert committee on Peace and Humanitarian Assistance (KOICA); and member of the advance committee of the ROK Army (ROKA) in Engineer. Dr. Kwon received DPhil. in international relations from the Graduate School of International Studies at Korea University. |