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SHIN Kak-Soo
법무법인 세종
Advisor 고문
신각수(申珏秀) 대사는 서울대학교 법과대학에서 법학을 전공했고, 동 대학원에서 법학(국제법) 석사 및 박사 학위를 취득하였다. 또한 일본 게이오대학과 도쿄대학에서 연수를 하고, 스탠포드대학과 북경대학에서 초빙연구원으로 활동하였다. 1975년 제9회 외무고시를 합격한 후, 일본과장, 장관보좌관, 조약국장, 주유엔 차석대사, 주이스라엘 대사, 제2차관, 제1차관, 주일본 대사 등을 역임하였다. 현재는 법무법인 세종 고문, 세토포럼 이사장으로 있다. 또한 한국 외교정책, 아시아, 한일관계, 국제법, 국제기구 등 다양한 외교 문제에 관하여 활발한 저술 및 강연 활동을 하고 있으며, 외교와 북한인권 관련 다양한 NGO 활동에 참여하고 있다.

Ambassador SHIN Kak-Soo started his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which he held various positions including Director of the Japan Division, Advisor to the Foreign Minister, Director-General of the Treaties Bureau, Deputy Permanent Representative at the Korean Mission to the United Nations, Ambassador to the State of Israel, First Vice Minister and Second Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ambassador to Japan. Currently, as a senior advisor at Shin & Kim law firm, Ambassador Shin is providing extensive expert advice on diverse issues of international implications, including Asian affairs. He used to be the director of International Law Center at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy from 2013 to 2017. He is also president of SETO forum, a non-profit organization for promoting friendly ties between Korea and Japan. Receiving a BA (1977), a LLM (1979) and a JSD (1991) all from Seoul National University, he is active in attending frequently at international conferences, commenting regularly in major media outlets and publishing op-eds and essays on a wide array of international issues at journals and newspapers. He has been engaged in many NGO activities relating to North Korean human rights, humanitarian issues, international law and Asian regional affairs.