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JUNG Dae-Jin
Halla University
Professor 교수
한라대학교 글로벌비즈니스학부 교수 및 동북아경제연구원 교육본부장, 강원통일교육센터 사무처장으로 재직중이다. 한국외대에서 국제법을 공부했고 연세대에서 통일학 박사 학위를 취득했다. SK그룹 한국고등교육재단 국제교류팀장, 아주대 통일교육선도대학 담당교수로 근무했다. 북한연구학회 이사를 역임했고, 민주평화통일자문회의 상임위원, 법무부 인권정책자문위원, 경기도 평화정책자문위원 등으로 활동중이다.

Dr. Dae-Jin JUNG is a professor of global business at Halla University, director of education at the Halla University Northeast Asian Economic Research Institute, and director of administration of the Gangwon Unification Education Center. He studied international law at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and earned a doctorate in Korean unification studies from Yonsei University. He served as the head of the international exchange team at SK Group's Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies and a professor in charge of Ajou University's Unification Education Program for Gyeonggi Province. He served as a board member of the Korean Association of North Korean Studies, and is serving as a standing member of the Presidential Peaceful Unification Advisory Council, a member of the human rights policy advisory committee at the Ministry of Justice and a peace policy advisory committee in Gyeonggi Province.