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PARK Joung Ho
Korea Institute for Foreign Economic Policy
Head of Russia & Eurasia Team 유라시아팀장
Park Joung Ho is a Head of Russia & Eurasia Team at Korea Institute for Foreign Economic Policy (KIEP). He oversees research on economic policy and current affairs surrounding Russia and Eurasia. His research areas of interest are Russian and Eurasian politics and economics.

Prior to his current position, Dr. Park was a professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS). He served as a general director at Korean Association of Eurasian Studies. He was also a full time lecturer at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

His recent publications include Multilateral Approach for Advancing the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative and Partnership with Eurasia (in Korean)(KINU, 2015), Conflict in Eurasia (in Korean) (MINSOKWON, 2014), He is also an author of many articles in academic journals, chapters, and books.

Dr. Park holds Ph.D. in Political Science from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Russia.

박정호(49) 박사의 전공 분야는 러시아 정치경제, CIS 국제관계이다. 한국 외국어대학교 노어과를 졸업한 후, 동 대학원 러시아 동유럽 지역학과에서 석사학위를 취득했으며, 해군사관학교 강사와 전임강사를 역임했다. 2001년 모스크바 국제관계대학교에서 러시아CIS 지역연구로 정치학 박사학위를 취득한 후 한국외대에서 교수로 재직했다. 한국유라시아학회의 총무이사를 역임했으며, 2015년부터 대외경제정책연구원 연구위원으로 재직하면서 현재 러시아유라시아팀장을 맡고 있다.