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JU Min-uk
Graduate School of Technology Management, Kyung Hee University
경희대학교 테크노경영대학원
Adjunct Professor 겸임교수
경희대학교 테크노경영대학원 겸임교수, 학술활동으로는 한국평화연구학회, 한국동북아학회 연구이사로 활동하고 있음. 제주대학교를 졸업한 후 2012년 중국 우한대학교(武汉大学) 언론커뮤니케이션 학과에서 “인터넷 상호교류 환경에서의 개인태도와 의견표명-‘침묵의 나선이론’에 대한 재검증(网络交往环境下的个人态度与意见表达-‘沉默的螺旋理论’之检视与修正)을 주제로 언론학 박사학위를 취득하였음. 현재 (사)이어도연구회에서 연구위원으로 활동하며, “한중 해양갈등과 중국의 언론보도 분석”을 통해 한중비교, 대중국 교류협력 등에 관한 다양한 연구를 수행하고 있음.

He is an adjunct professor at Graduate School of Technology Management, Kyung Hee University, and is a research director of the Korean Association of Peace Studies and the Korean Association of Northeast Asia Studies for academic activities.
After graduating from Jeju National University, he obtained a doctorate in journalism under the theme of "The personal attitude and opinion expression in network communication environment" from the Department of Journalism and Communication at Wuhan University, China in 2012.
Currently, he is working as a research member of the Society of Ieodo research, and is conducting various studies on Korea-China comparison, exchange and cooperation between the two countries through "Korea-China maritime conflict and China's media report analysis."