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KWON Ki-chang
Korean Council on Foreign Relations
Former Ambassador to Ukraine 회원
권기창 대사는 1990년 외무고시 24회로 외무부에 입부했다. 주제네바대표부 2등 서기관으로 해외근무를 시작하였으며, 이후 주탄자니아대사관, 주미대사관, 주인도네시아대사관에서 근무하였다. 권대사는 콩고민주공화국대사로 근무하였으며, 가장 최근에는 주우크라이나대사로 근무한 후 2021년 6월 귀국하였고, 외교부를 정년퇴직하였다. 외교부 입부후 1992~1994간 캘리포니아대학교(샌디에고 분교) 국제관계대학원에서 공부하였다.

Ambassador Ki-chang Kwon was career diplomat. He Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1990 through 24th High Foreign Service Exam. He served as second secretary of the Korean Mission in Geneva. Since then he served in the Korean Embassies in the Tanzania, United States and Indonesia. He served as the Korean ambassador to Democratic Republic of Congo. Most recently, he served as the Korean ambassador to Ukraine. He returned to Korea June 2021 and retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After he joined the MOFA, he studied at Graduate School of International Relations of the University of California in San Diego during 1992~1994.