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HYUN Seung Soo
Korea Institute for Korea Unification
Director, International and Strategic Studies Division 국제전략연구실장
Seungsoo Hyun is Director of International and Strategic Studies Division at Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU). He oversees research on current affairs surrounding the Korean Peninsula and foreign policies of the neighboring states. His research areas of interest are Russian and Eurasian politics, Eurasian international relations and conflict.

Prior to his current position, Dr. Hyun was senior researcher at IFANS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He served as research director at Korean Association of Eurasian Studies and at Korean Association of Slavic Studies and has been a policy advisor for Terrorism Information Integration Center of National Intelligence Service since 2008. He was also HK research professor at APRC of Hanyang University, and lecturer at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Sookmyung Women’s University and Yonsei University.

His recent publications include Multilateral Approach for Advancing the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative and Partnership with Eurasia (in Korean)(KINU, 2015), Development of Unification Diplomacy Contents (in Korean) (KINU, 2015), Comparison of Cuba and North Korea in Transition: Policy Implications (in Korean) (KINU, 2015), and China's Rise & Central Asia (in Korean) (Zininzin, 2015). He is also an author of many articles in academic journals, chapters, and books.

Dr. Hyun holds Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Tokyo, Japan.

현승수(玄承洙, 48) 박사의 전공 분야는 한러 관계, 러시아/유라시아 국제정치와 테러 및 분쟁 연구이다. 한국 외국어대학교 노어과를 졸업한 후, 외교통상부 외교안보연구원에서 5년 간 책임연구원으로 근무했으며 1999년 일본 정부 장학생으로 선발되어 국립 도쿄대에서 석박사 과정을 이수했다. 2007년 러시아 지역연구(정치학)로 박사학위를 취득한 후 연세대, 숙명여대, 한국외대 등에서 강의하는 한편, 한양대 아태지역연구센터에서 HK연구교수로 재직했다. 한국슬라브학회와 한국유라시아학회의 연구이사, 국정원 테러정보통합센터 정책자문위원 등을 역임했으며 2014년부터 통일연구원 연구위원으로 재직하면서 현재 국제전략실장을 맡고 있다.