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HA Young-Sun
East Asia Institute
Chairman 이사장
하영선 이사장은 현재 동아시아연구원 이사장 및 서울대학교 명예교수를 겸임하고 있다. 남북정상회담 준비위원회 원로자문회의 위원과 대통령국가안보자문단(2008-2016)을 역임했다. 서울대학교 외교학과에서 학사와 석사학위를, 미국 워싱턴대학교에서 국제정치학 박사학위를 받았다. 서울대학교 외교학과 교수 (1980-2012)로 재직했으며 미국 프린스턴대학 국제문제연구소와 스웨덴 스톡홀름 국제평화연구소의 초청연구원이었다. 최근 저서 및 편저로는 『사랑의 세계정치: 전쟁과 평화』(2019), 『한국외교사 바로 보기: 전통과 근대』(2019), 『미중의 아태질서 건축경쟁』(2017) 등이 있다.

Young-Sun Ha is the Chairman of the board of trustees at the East Asia Institute(EAI) and Professor Emeritus of the Seoul National University. Dr. Ha served as a member of senior advisory group for the inter-Korean summit talks preparation committee and a member of the Presidential National Security Advisory Group(2008-2016). He received his B.A. and M.A. from Seoul National University, and holds a Ph.D. in international politics from the University of Washington. He was Professor of International Relations at Seoul National University (1980-2012), He was a research fellow at the Center for International Studies at Princeton University, and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. His recent books and edited volumes include: World Politics of Love: War and Peace (2019), A New Perspective on the Diplomatic History of Korea: Tradition and Modernity (2019), U.S.-China Competition in the Architecture of a Regional Order in the Asia-Pacific (2017).