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KO Kyungmin
International Peace Center Jeju
Head of International Peace Center Jeju 제주국제평화센터장
고경민은 국제평화재단에서 사무국장과 제주국제평화센터장 (겸직)으로 2020년부터 재직하고 있으며, ‘세계평화의 섬 제주’의 평화실천사업들을 추진하고 있다. 건국대학교에서 정치학 박사학위를 받았으며, 제주대학교와 제주연구원에서 근무했고, 평화학 관련 연구활동도 같이하고 있다.

Kyungmin Ko has been working since 2020 as the secretary general of the International Peace Foundation (IPF) and the director of the International Peace Center Jeju (concurrent positions), and is promoting practical projects for the Island of World Peace Jeju. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Konkuk University, and worked at Jeju National University and Jeju Research Institute, and is also engaged in research activities related to peace studies.