WANG Junsheng | |
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
중국사회과학원 Director/Professor 실장/교수
Wang Junsheng 교수는 중국사회과학원(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 아태 및 국제전략연구원(National Institute of International Strategy)의 중국지역전략실(Department of China’s Regional Strategy) 실장을 맡고 있다. Wang 교수는 중국공산주의청년당 중앙위원회 대외연락부 부부장(2016~2018), 쓰촨성 몐양시 당위원회의 부부장(2020~2021)을 역임하였다. 주요 연구분야는 중국외교, 동북아시아 안보, 한반도 안보 등이다. 그는 다수의 책을 집필하고, 언론에 기고하였으며, 여러 도서의 중국어 번역출판을 맡기도 하였다.
Wang 교수는 미국, 한국, 북한, 일본, 미얀마, 인도네시아 등지에서 개최되는 여러 국제회의에 참석하였으며, 미국의 Atlantic Council(2017.10.~2018.4.), Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Hawaii(2012.4.~2012.5.), School of International Services, American University in Washington D.C.(2007.7.~2008.7.), 한국의 아산정책연구원(2016.1.~2016.3.), 통일교육원(2014.7.~2014.9.)에서 방문학자를 역임하였다. Wang 교수는 Xinhua News agency, China Daily, Global times, Phoenix TV, China Central Television 등에 정기적으로 출연 및 기고를 하고 있다. 그는 중국인민대학교(Renmin University in China)에서 국제관계학 석∙박사를 취득하였다. Wang Junsheng is the Director and Professor of the Department of China’s Regional Strategy, National Institute of International Strategy at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Prof. Wang also has been served the deputy director General (non-resident) of the International Liaison Bureau of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Youth League since 2016 to 2018, and deputy Secretary General of Mianyang municipal party committee of Sichuan Province since 2020 to 2021. His research interests include China’s diplomacy, Northeast Asia security, and Korean Peninsular security. He has published several books and many journal articles. Prof. Wang also published Chinese translations of several books. Prof. Wang has been invited to speak at international conferences in the U.S., South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Myanmar, and Indonesia. He was a senior visiting scholar at the Atlantic Council in USA (2017.10-2018.4), the ASAN Institute for Policy Studies in South Korea (2016.1-2016.3), the Institute for Unification Education in South Korea (2014.7-2014.8) , Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS) in Hawaii, USA (2012.4-2012.5), and School of International Services, American University in Washington D.C., USA (2007.7-2008.7). Professor Wang provides regular commentary for major media outlets, including Xinhua News agency, China Daily, Global times, Phoenix TV, China Central Television and so on. He received his Ph.D. and MA degree in International Affairs from School of International Studies at Renmin (People’s) University in China. |