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Korea Institute for National Unification
Research Fellow 연구위원
정은미는 서울대학교에서 사회학 박사학위를 취득하였다. 서울대학교 통일평화연구원에서 선임연구원과 HK연구교수로 재직하였으며, 현재는 통일연구원에서 연구위원으로 근무하고 있다. 현재 민주평화통일자문회의(NUAC) 상임위원과 통일부 정책자문위원으로 활동하고 있다. 주요 연구영역은 북한 사회변동, 통일의식, 사회통합이며, 현재는 북한의 중산층 및 북한주민의 생활세계 연구를 진행하고 있다. 주요 저서로는 『김정은 시대 북한의 사회정책: 복지와 통제를 중심으로』(2021), 『북한의 정보화와 주민생활 변화』(2021), 『북한사회변동』(2021), 『북한변화의 변수와 경로』(2019), 『국민과 함께 하는 통일•대북정책』(2019) 등이 있다.

Jeong Eun Mee received a Ph.D. on Social Science at Seoul National University (SNU). She served as a senior researcher and HK research professor at the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, SNU. She is now a research fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU). Also, she is serving as a standing member of the National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC) and as a policy advisor at the Ministry of Unification. Her major research areas are North Korea’s social changes, people’s awareness on unification, and social integration. She is currently studying life-world of North Korean people and the middle class in North Korea. Dr. Jeong’s major publications include North Korea's Social Policy in the Kim Jong-un Era: Welfare and Control (2021), North Korea's Informatization and Changes in People's Lives (2021), North Korea’s Social Changes (2021), Variables and Routes of Changes in North Korea (2019), and Unification and North Korean Policy with the Cooperation of the Public (2019) (all in Korean).