KIM Jin-Ha | |
Korea Institute for National Unification
통일연구원 Senior Research Fellow 선임연구위원
현 통일연구원 북한연구실 선임연구위원. 고려대 정치외교학과를 졸업하였고, 미 시카고대에서 정치학 석사 및 박사학위를 취득했다. 한국국제정치학회 연구이사, 통일연구원 기획조정실장, 민주평화통일자문회의 외교안보분과상임위 상임위원, 통일준비위원회 정책보좌관, 국무조정실국정과제평가지원단 평가위원 등을 역임했다. 최근저작으로 「김정은 정권의 핵 외교와 대외정책 변화」(공저, 통일연구원, 2021), 「김정은 정권 통치담론과 부분별 정책변화」(공저, 통일연구원, 2020), “독재체제안정화 경로와 북한의 가산제 권력집중 전략 (2021),” “북한 군사적 강압외교의 수정주의적 기원(2020),” “북한공세국가의 대외인식분석(2020),” Who Denuclearize Whom? Pyongyang’s Revisionist Aims and the Risk of Negative Assurance (2019) 등이 있다.
Dr. Jin-Ha Kim is a senior research fellow at the North Korean Research Division in Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU). Dr. Kim received his B.A. in Political Science & International Relations from Korea University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Chicago University. He served as a research director of the Korean Association of International Studies, director of Planning and Coordination Division in KINU, senior researcher at the National Unification Advisory Council, policy advisor at the Presidential Committee for Unification Preparation, and evaluation member at the Office for Government Policy Coordination. His recent publications include, Kim Jong-un Regime’s Nuclear Diplomacy and Changes of Foreign Policy(co-authored, KINU, 2021), North Korea’s Diplomatic Policy: The Policy Pattern and Case Analysis on North Korean Nuclear Diplomacy (co-authored, KINU, 2020), Routes for Stabilizing Dictatorship and North Korea’s Centralizing Strategy of Personal Power (2021), Revisionist Origin of North Korea’s Military Coercive Diplomacy (2020), North Korea’s Offensive Realism and the Strategy of Nationalism (2020)(all in Korean), and Who Denuclearize Whom? Pyongyang’s Revisionist Aims and the Risk of Negative Assurance (2019)(in English). |