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CHOI Dong Ju
Sookmyung Women's University
Professor 교수/회장
최동주 교수는 영국 런던대학에서 정치경제학 박사학위를 득한 후 POSCO 경영연구소 연구위원과 서울대 초빙전임교수를 거쳐 1999년 이후 숙명여대 글로벌서비스학부 교수로 재직중이다. 재직 기간 중 숙명여대 대외협력을 총괄했고 글로벌서비스학부장을 역임했으며, 유네스코 석좌기관인 아태여성정보통신원의 원장으로 일했다. 주요 대외 활동으로는 유엔과 유네스코의 컨설턴트로 활동해오고 있으며, 외교부, 방위사업청, 교육부, 과기정통부, 인사혁신처 등 정부기관의 자체평가위원 및 국제협력 관련 정책자문위원으로 활동하고 있다. 학계에서는 한국 아프리카학회 회장을 맡고 있으며, 한국국방정책학회 및 한국국제정치학회 부회장을 역임했다. 현재 교육부가 지원하는 인문사회연구사업단인 글로벌거버넌스연구소의 소장을 겸하며 한국 고등교육의 국제화 및 미래 대학 혁신을 위한 연구를 수행 중이다.

Professor Dong Ju Choi has been with Sookmyung for the last 23 years, teaching international relations, political economy and development model of developing countries. His campus administrative posts include the Vice President of External Affairs and Dean of School of Global Service. History of Professor Choi’s higher education includes MA in international affairs from the American University and PhD in political economy from University of London. In academic field, he currently holds the posts of the President of the Korean Association of African Studies, the Vice President of the Korean Association of International Studies and the Korean Association of Defense Policy Studies. Holding the position of Executive Director, he ran Asia-Pacific Women’s Information Network Center which is UNESCO Chair Organization from 2009 to 2014. As a Senior Consultant of UN circle, he has been working with UNESCO and UN headquarter on the issue of education for Development and Governance issues. Dr. Choi has been participating consultation bodies of the government as well. The ministries include foreign affairs, education, defense acquisition, science, technology and ICT, and personal management. Since 2016, he has been leading the Institute of Global Governance, government-funding research institute for globalization of Korean education and futuristic research for higher education development.