LEE Seoksu | |
Maeil Shinmun
매일신문 Head of Western Headquarter 서부본부장
이석수는 1969년 10월 대구 출생으로 경북대학교 국문학과(학사) 및 신문방송학과(석사)를 졸업하고 1995년 매일신문 편집국에 입사했다. 편집국 차장, 사회부 부장, 교육학술부장 등을 거쳐 현재 매일신문 서부지역본부장으로 활동하고 있다. 대구경북 지역의 언론인으로 오랜 기간 활동한 경력을 바탕으로 한국기자협회 매일신문지회장과 대구경북기자협회 이사를 역임했다.
Lee Seoksu was born on October 1969 in Daegu. After graduating from the Department of Korean Language and Literature (Bahelor) and Journalism and Mass Communication (Master) at Kyungpook National University, he joined the editorial department of the Maeil Shinmun in 1995. After working as the deputy director of the editorial department, the head of the social affairs department, and the head of the education and academic department, he is currently working as the head of the Western Headquarters of the Maeil Shinmun. Based on his long career as a journalist in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, he served as the president of the Korea Journalists Association Maeil Shinmun and a director of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Journalists Association. |