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Institute for Global Environmental   Strategies
일본 글로벌환경연구소
Principal Researcher 소장
Dr. Satoshi Kojima is a principal researcher of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japanese leading policy research institute in the area of sustainable development and international environmental policies. He was the director of Economy and Environment Group of IGES from 2010 to 2013 and currently lead institute-wide flagship projects. He is also leading the research project on market-based measures to reduce GHG emissions to a large extent by 2050, funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.
Dr. Kojima studied environmental economics at the University of York in UK and obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2005. Before he studied in UK he worked as a development consultant, engaged in water and environment related ODA projects in several countries including Indonesia and Honduras. Since he joined IGES in 2005 he has led research projects on sustainable development policy including sustainable resource management and sustainable ecosystem use. He has developed quantitative policy impact assessment tools mainly based on computable general equilibrium model and applied them to various sustainable development policies. He published a book “Sustainable Development in Water-stressed Developing Countries: A Quantitative Policy Analysis” in 2007.