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Far Eastern Federal Univeristy
러시아 극동연방대학교
Professor 교수
저는 어려서부터 미술과 국제관계 발전에 관심이 있었습니다. 극동대학교 건축학과에서 공부할 때, 저는 자매도시 우호공원 조성 운동에 참여하기 시작했는데 그 도시들은 러시아 블라디보스토크 (1994-1995), 미국 샌디에이고 (1998), 중국 옌타이 (2001), 멕시코 티후아나 (2004) 그리고 대한민국 제주도 (2010)입니다.

From an early age I have interest in art and developing international relations. When I studied in Department of architecture FESTU, started to participate in the creation of Sister Cities Friendship Parks movement: Vladivostok, Russia (1994-1995), San Diego, USA (1998), Yantai, China (2001), Tijuana, Mexico (2004), Jeju Island, South Korea (2010).Initiated construction of the north wing of Friendship Park in Vladivostok in 1996.Continue international activities aimed at peaceful relations through architecture and art – interaction with embassies, presentations at schools, University, Rotary club. Taught architecture at Dankook University 2009 – 2012 and organized the participation of one Dankook student in the construction of the Park in Jeju. Since 1995 played as leader of Sister Cities Parks participants from Vladivostok. At the present time Director of Pacific Rim Park Organization in Vladivostok.