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KANG Chang-il
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador to Japan 전 주일대사
강창일은 1952년 제주도 출생으로 서울대학교 국사학과를 졸업했다. 동경대학교 대학원 인문사회학 석사·박사 과정을 수료(문학박사)했으며, 동경대학교 초빙연구원을 지냈다. 배재대학교 교수, 제주4·3연구소 소장·이사장을 역임했다. 제17·18·19·20대 국회의원을 지냈으며, 한일의원연맹 간사장·회장을 역임했다. 동국대학교 석좌교수와 주일본 대사를 역임했다. 저서는 『근대 일본의 조선침략과 대아시아주의』 (2002) 등 다수.

Kang Chang-il was born in 1952 in Jeju Island and graduated from Seoul National University with a degree in Korean history. He completed a master's and doctorate degree in humanities and sociology at the Graduate School of Tokyo University and served as a visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo. He served as a professor at Baejae University and as a director and chairman of the Jeju4·3 Research Institute. He served as a member of the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th National Assembly members, and served as secretary-general and chairman of the Korea-Japan Parliamentarians' Federation. He was a endowed-chair professor at Dongguk University and an ambassador to Japan. Many books include 『Modern Japanese Invasion of Korea and Asianism』 (2002).