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KO Hee-bum
Jeju 4・3 Peace Foundation
Chairman 이사장
고희범은 제주시 출생으로 한겨레신문사 대표이사를 지냈고, 제주4·3연구소 이사장 및 제주4·3 진상 규명 및 명예회복 추진 범국민위원회 공동대표를 역임하며, 제주4·3의 진상규명 및 명예회복을 위해 헌신하였다. 한국에너지 재단 사무총장을 거쳐, 제주시장을 역임하며 제주시 발전에 크게 공헌하였다. 현재 제주4·3평화재단 이사장을 맡고 있다. 저서는 『길과 길』 (2009), 『이것이 제주다』 (2013) 등 다수.

Ko Hee-bum was born in Jeju City and served as the CEO of Hankyoreh Newspaper, served as the chairman of the Jeju4·3 Research Institute, and co-representative of the Jeju4·3 Truth and Honor Restoration Promotion Committee, and devoted himself to the truth and honor recovery of Jeju4·3. After serving as secretary-general of the Korea Energy Foundation, he served as mayor of Jeju City and contributed greatly to the development of Jeju City. He is currently the chairman of the Jeju4·3 Peace Foundation. Many books, including 『The Road and the Road』 (2009), 『This is Jeju』 (2013) have been published.