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BEK Bum-hym
Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat
Deputy Secretary-General 사무차장
백범흠 한중일협력사무국 사무차장은 1993년 대한민국 외무부 입부 후 외교관으로서 독일, 중국, 스위스, 우즈베키스탄, 오스트리아 등에서 근무 경험을 갖추었으며, 대통령비서실 국정상황실에 파견돼 근무한 이력도 있다. 중국청년정치학교와 연세대학교의 겸임교수 및 강원도 국제관계대사 등을 거쳐 지난해 한중일협력사무국 사무차장으로 부임했다. 연세대 신문방송학과 졸업 후 독일연방행정원에서 행정학 석사를 마쳤으며 우즈베키스탄 세계경제외교대학에서 정치학 박사를 취득하였다.

Mr. BEK Bumhym has been posted as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) since September 2021. Since he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROK in 1993, Mr. BEK has served various key positions and posted to the diverse continents and cultural areas such as Germany (2016-2018), China (2011-2016), Geneva (2006-2008), Uzbekistan (2003-2004), and Austria (2000-2003). He also served as the strategist in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at Office of the President. His other key careers included an adjunct professor of China Youth University of Political Studies and Yonsei University, and Ambassador for International Affairs of Gangwon Province. He studied Journalism at Yonsei University and also received a master's degree in Administration Science, Deutsche Hochschule Für Verwaltungswissenschaften in Germany, and a Ph.D. in Political Sciences, University of World Economy and Diplomacy.