YI Ilcheong | |
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
유엔사회개발연구소 Senior Research Coordinator 선임연구조정관
이일청은 유엔의 유일한 독립연구기관인 유엔사회개발연구소에서 전환적 대안 경제 프로그램과 전환적 사회정책의 선임연구조정관이다. 한국에서 태어나, 서울대학교에서 정치학을 (학사와 석사), 영국 옥스포드 대학교에서 사회정책을 (박사) 공부하였다. 그의 연구주제는 개발, 환경, 인권, 평화 등 넓은 영역에 걸쳐있다. 다양한 주제에 관한 책과 논문을 출판하였는데, 2023년에는 그가 편집책임자로 작업한 사회적 경제(Encyclopedia of Social and Solidarity Economy (Edward Elgar)와 새로운 사회정책(Emerging Trends in Social Policy (Policy Press)에 대한 두권의 책이 출판될 예정이다.
Ilcheong YI is Senior Research Coordinator for the Alternative Economies for Transformation Programme and Transformative Social Policy Programme at United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) which is an autonomous research institute within the UN system. Born in the Republic of Korea, he studied political science (B.A. and M.A. from the Department of Political Science, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea) and social policy (D.Phil from Oxford University, the UK). His interests span a wide range of subjects associated with development, environment, human rights and peace, including the relationship between developmental state, poverty, inequality and economic growth, universal social protection, social policy in development context, social and solidarity economy, and sustainability reporting and ESG, and integrated approach to development, environment and peace nexus in borders and borderlands. Prior to joining UNRISD, Ilcheong was Associate Professor at Kyushu University, Japan, and Korea Foundation Professor in the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia, and Visiting Research Fellow at the Stein Rokkan Centre, Norway. He has authored and edited numerous books, journal articles and book chapters including forthcoming two co-edited volumes (Encyclopedia of Social and Solidarity Economy (Edward Elgar), and Emerging Trends in Social Policy (Policy Press)). |