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KIM Taeyoon
Seoul National University
Undergraduate Student 학부생
김태윤은 서울대학교에 재학 중인 학부생으로 인류학을 전공하고 있다. 서울특별시청 청소년참여위원회 위원장 등을 역임했으며, 글로벌 청년 회의를 비롯한 국제 행사에 다수 참가했다. 한국고등교육재단과는 ‘2021년 한중리더십프로그램’ 참가자로서 인연을 이어오고 있다.

Taeyoon Claire Kim is an undergraduate at Seoul National University studying anthropology. She has actively took part in various events, including social committees and global youth conferences. Aware of how influential acts of cooperation can be, she also served as the president of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Youth Participation Committee. She has been an alumna of Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies since 2021, as a participant of the Korea-China Leadership Program.