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David AHN
Korea Peace Economy Forum
Vice President 부이사장
안경훈 한반도평화경제포럼 부이사장은 위치융합기술을 제공하는 회사, 얍컴퍼니의 창립자이며, 서강대학교 경영전문대학원 겸임교수, 한국ICT융합협회 부회장직을 겸하고 있습니다.
1988년 현대자동차 시스템본부 입사를 시작으로 AC닐슨, 나이스정보통신 등에 근무하며 데이터를 기반한 마케팅 성과들로 시장에 두각을 나타내었습니다. 이러한 경험을 바탕으로 SK와 제휴해 실제로 활용 가능한 세계 최초의 전자지갑 ‘스마트월렛’을 시장에 내놓은 바 있습니다. 이 밖에도 얍컴퍼니를 통해 독자적인 위치측위 기술인 하이브리드 비콘을 국내 최초 상용화하며 현재 IoT까지 영역을 넓혀 공간의 가치를 끌어올리는 서비스 '얍오더', '얍워크', ‘얍도슨트’ 등을 잇따라 출시하며 업계를 선도하고 있습니다. 공간을 잡아내는 기술력으로 사회적, 문화적 가치를 창출하고자 하는 안경훈 부이사장의 노력들이 바탕이 되어 2021년 한국경영정보학회 경영정보 대상, 위클리피플이 선정한 탑 어워즈 IoT기술 부문 대상을 2년 연속 수상한 바 있습니다.

Kyunghoon Ahn, Korea Peace Economy Forum Vice President, is a founder of Yap Company which provides modulation of in/outdoor location determination technology, as well as takes a role of an affiliated professor of Sogang Business School and the Vice President of the Korea IT Convergence Technology Association(KICTA),concurrently.
His history had started with working for System Headquarters of Hyundai Motors in 1988, and worked for AC Nielsen and Nice Information & Telecommunication as well, achieving great outcomes and became distinguished himself on the industry with data-based marketing.
Based on these successful experiences, he made a strategic partnership with SK and released the world’s first E-wallet ‘Smart wallet’ to the market.
In addition, he sucessfully commercialized the Yap Company’s ‘the Hybrid Beacon’ which is stand-alone device using for location determination technology, for the first time in Korea. Currently, the company has been expanding its business areas to IoT and leading the industry by releasing a series of services such as 'Yap Order', 'Yap Work', and 'Yap Docent'.

Thanks to his efforts to create social and cultural value by connecting humanity and the space, he had won the award ‘Management Information Grand Prize’ from Korea Management Information Society in 2021 as well as had won the top prize in IoT sector of the Weekly People’s ‘Top Awards for Korean People’ for 2 consecutive years.