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SEOK Junghoon
Korea Institute of Registered Architects
President 회장
석정훈 대한건축사협회장은 1956년 서울 출생으로, 연세대학교 건축공학과(학사·석사) 를 졸업했다. 2015년 서울시건축사회 회장을 시작으로 대한건축사협회 부회장, 국제건축사연맹(UIA), 2017 서울세계건축대회 조직위원장 등을 역임한 인물이다. 그는 2018년 대한건축사협회 회장에 취임해 지난해 협회 55년 역사상 최초로 연임에 성공했다. 현재 태건축설계건축사사무소 대표이사를 맡고 있다.

JUNGHOON SEOK, the president of Korea Institute of Registered Architects(KIRA), was born in Seoul in 1956 and graduated from Yonsei University's Department of Architectural Engineering (Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree). He served as the president of the Seoul Institute of Registered Architects(SIRA) in 2015. He served as the vice president of KIRA and chairman of the organizing committee of the 2017 Seoul World Architects Federation for Union Internationale des Architectes(UIA). In 2018, he was inaugurated as the president of the KIRA, and he succeeded in serving a second term for the first time in the 55-year history of KIRA. He is currently the CEO of the Tae Architectural Design and Architecture Office.