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CHUN Eui Young
Korean Institute of Architects
President 회장
한국건축가협회(KIA) 회장이자, 경기대학교 건축학과 교수로 재직하고 있다. 1999년 업소 및 주택 재생 프로그램인 MBC 신장개업과 러브하우스에 출연한 바 있으며, 2019년 서울건축문화제 총감독, 2017년 광주비엔날레재단의 광주폴리Ⅲ 총감독, 서울디자인올림픽2009 총감독, UIA2017 서울세계건축대회 조직위원회 기획홍보위원장, 대한건축학회(AIK) 부회장을 역임하며 공공부문과 학계의 발전을 위해 노력하고 있다. 주요 저서로는 열린 공간이 세상을 바꾼다(공간서가, 2018), SEE PLAY EAT WALK(천의영 외, Jap Sam Books, 2017), 그리드를 파괴하라(천의영, 이동우, 세종서적, 2016) 등이 있다.

Eui-Young Chun is a present of Korean Institute of Architects and professor at department of architecture, Kyonggi University and has worked for Seoul Metropolitan City Government as a director general for Seoul Architecture Festival in 2019. He was the director general of Gwangju Folly III, which was an exemplary model of public participation in an urban architecture project with the theme of everydayness in the city. The project got the presidential prize for the excellence from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2017. Professor Chun received a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Seoul National University and a master’s degree in urban design from Harvard University. He earned his Ph.D. in architecture from Seoul National University. He also served as general director of the Seoul Design Olympiad in 2009 for Seoul Metropolitan City Government.