NOH Kyu-duk | |
Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs of Minist
외교부 한반도평화교섭본부장
노규덕 한반도평화교섭본부장은 외교관으로 1987년부터 대한민국 외교부(MOFA)에서 직무를 수행하였다. 평화외교기획단장, 나이지리아 주재 특명전권대사를 역임하였으며, 외교부 대변인과 청와대 국가안보실 비서관직을 수행한 바 있다. 그는 2000년과 2013년 두 차례 대통령 표창을 받았으며, 결혼하여 두 명의 아들을 두고 있다.
Ambassador Noh Kyu-duk is a career diplomat, who joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1987. In the MOFA, Amb. Noh served as the Director-General for Korean Peninsula Peace Regime Bureau and as Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He previously served as Foreign Ministry spokesperson and Presidential Secretary for Peace Planning in the Office of National Security. During his career, Amb. Noh was rewarded the Presidential Citation two times in 2000 and 2013. He is married and has two sons. |