KIM Jeong Chul | |
Lawfirm wooree
법무법인 우리 Representative lawyer 대표 변호사
김정철은 법무법인 우리 대표 변호사이다. 고려대학교 법과대학에서 석사, 박사학위를 받았다. 제45회 사법시험에 합격한 후 공익법무관을 거쳐 변호사로 활동했다. 서울지방경찰청 수사심의워원, 한국형사소송법학회 인권이사로 활동하고 있다. 서강대/성균관대학교 법학전문대학원 겸임교수, 국회법정형정비자문의원, 서울지방변호사회 이사를 역임했다.
Jeong-chul Kim is a representative laywer of the Lawfirm Wooree. He received his master’s and doctorate degrees from Law School in Korea University. He passed the 45th bar-exam, worked as a Public-Service Advocates and as a lawyer. He is a member of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Investigation Review Committee, and a human rights director of the Korea Criminal Law Association. He served as an adjunct professor at Seogang and Sungkyunkwan Univ’s Graduate School of Law, a member of the National Assembly’s Judical Reform Advisory Council, and a director of Seoul Bar Association. |