KO Kyongjoon | |
법무법인 승민 Partner Lawyer 파트너 변호사
고경준은 법무법인 승민의 파트너 변호사이다. 제주 출신으로 연세대 행정학과 졸업 후 제주대학교 로스쿨 수석졸업(3기)하며 석사학위를 받았다. 변호사 자격 취득 후 법무법인 우리에서 근무했다.
광주고등법원 및 제주지방법원 국선전담변호사로 재직 이후 제주에서 개업했고 제주체육회 고문변호사, 형사전문변호사로 활동하고 있다. Kyongjoon Ko is a partner lawyer of Lawfirm SEUNGMIN. He was born in Jeju, graduated Department of Public Administration, Yonsei-University. He also graduated with top honors from Law School in Jeju National University(3rd term) and received a master’s degree. After receiving Lawyer’s license, he worked at Lawfirm Wooree. He served as a public defender for the Gwangju High Court and the Jeju District Court. After his retirement, he opened his own office in Jeju and working as a corporation lawyer at Jeju Sports Council and a criminal lawyer. |