KO Yu-hwan | |
Korea Institute for National Unification
통일연구원 President 원장
■ 학력 ▪동국대학교 정치학 박사(1991) ■ 주요 경력 ▪동국대학교 북한학과 교수(1994~2020) ▪동국대학교 북한학연구소장(2009~2020) ▪제11대 북한연구학회 회장(2012) ▪대통령직속 정책기획위원회 평화번영분과위원장(2017~2019), 위원(2017~2020) ▪청와대 국가안보실 정책자문위원장(2017~2020) ▪민주평화통일자문회의 기획조정분과위원장(2017~) ▪외교부 정책자문위원회 한반도분과위원장(2018~) ■ 주요 저서(공저 포함) ▪북한 핵문제의 해법과 한반도 평화체제 구축(2003) ▪로동신문을 통해 본 북한변화(2006) ▪북한연구의 새로운 패러다임(2015) ▪분단의 행위자-네트워크와 수행성(2015) ▪Troubled Transition: North Korea’s Politics, Economy, and External Relations(2013) (영문) ■ Education ▪Ph.D. in Political Science, Dongguk University(1991) ■ Biography ▪Professor, North Korean Studies, Dongguk University(1994~2020) ▪Director, Institute for North Korean Studies, Dongguk University(2009~2020) ▪President, Korean Association of North Korean Studies (2012) ▪Chair, Peace and Prosperity Sub-committee, Presidential Commission on Policy Planning(2017~2019), Member(2017~2020) ▪Chair, Policy Advisory Committee, Office of National Security, Office of the President(2017~2020) ▪Chair, Planning and Coordination Committee, National Unification Advisory Council(2017~) ▪Chair, Korean Peninsula Sub-committee, Policy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(2018~) ■ Major Publications(Co-authorship Included) ▪Resolutions to North Korea’s Nuclear Issues and Establishment of a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula(in Korean) (2003) ▪Changes in North Korea Viewed through the Lens of Rodong Sinmun(in Korean) (2006) ▪New Paradigm of North Korean Studies(in Korean) (2015) ▪Actor-Network and Performativity of Divided Korea(in Korean) (2015) ▪Troubled Transition: North Korea’s Politics, Economy, and External Relations (2013) |