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Embassy of Denmark, Korea
Ambassador 대사
"아이너 옌센 주한덴마크대사는 코펜하겐왕립 수의농업대학교에서 농업과학(경제학, 법학 전공) 석사를 취득하였으며, 공공 부문에서 오랜 커리어를 쌓아 왔다.
옌센 대사는 덴마크 환경보호청에서 커리어를 시작하여 이후 환경부 장관 자문관, 덴마크 외교부 소속 남아프리카공화국 파견 환경 담당관, 외교부 아세아태평양국 국장 등을 역임하였다.
2006년~2009년에는 주방글라데시 대사 역임, 2010년~2015년 외교부의 개발협력 시민사회 국장 역임, 2016년~2018년 주 탄자니아 대사 및 잠비아, 말라위, 모리셔스, 동아프리카 커뮤니티 대사를 겸임하였다.
2019년 11월에는 주한덴마크대사 신임장을 제정하였다. 옌센 대사는 커리어 전반에 걸쳐 개발 정책, 농업 개발, 포괄적 협력에 중점을 둔 지속가능성, 굿 거버넌스(good governance), 기관 역량 강화 등을 주요 관심사로 두고 있다."

"H.E. Einar Jensen has had a long and distinguished career as a civil servant in Denmark. He holds a master’s degree in Agricultural Science, specialised in Economics and Law, from The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Copenhagen.
He began his career in the Danish Environmental Protection Agency before serving as advisor to two Ministers for Environment. He began his career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an environmental attaché to South Africa before rising to Head of Department of the South East Asia and the Pacific Office.
In 2006, he was appointed ambassador to the Republic of Bangladesh, where he worked for four years. From 2010 to 2015, he worked as Head of Department in the MFA Office for Humanitarian Action, Development Policy and Civil Society before being appointed ambassador to Tanzania with a side accreditation to Zambia, Malawi, Mauritius, and The East African Community.
In November 2019, he was accredited as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Republic of Korea. Throughout his career, H.E. Einar H. Jensen has had a strong interest in development policy, agricultural development, and sustainability with an emphasis on inclusive partnerships, good governance, and institutional enhancement. "