Ministry of Foreign Affairs
외교부 2nd Vice Minister 제2차관
1983. 6. 외무부 입부 (83.4. 제17회 외무고시)
1989. 1. 주유엔2등서기관 1995.12. 주태국1등서기관 1999. 3. 대통령비서실 파견 2000. 8. 서남아대양주과장 2001. 1. 장관비서관 2002. 1. 주미국참사관 2004.12. 주미얀마공사참사관 2007. 3. 대통령비서실 파견 2008. 3. 조정기획관 2009. 1. 남아시아태평양국장 2011. 3. 주스리랑카대사 2014. 4. 2014 한-아세안특별정상회의 준비기획단장 2015. 3. 장관특별보좌관 겸 유네스코협력대표 (정부대표) 2015.11. 장관특별보좌관 겸 핵안보정상회의 교섭대표 (정부대표) 2016. 3. 다자외교조정관 2018. 1. 주프랑스대사 2020.12. 제2차관 Apr. 1983 Passed High Diplomatic Service Examination Jun. 1983 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Jan. 1989 Second Secretary, Korean Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations in New York, U.S.A. Dec. 1995 First Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Kingdom of Thailand Mar. 1999 Assistant Secretary, Office of the President Aug. 2000 Director, Southwest Asia and Oceania Division, Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) Jan. 2001 Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Jan. 2002 Counsellor, Korean Embassy in the United States of America Dec. 2004 Minister-Counsellor, Korean Embassy in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Mar. 2007 Senior Assistant Secretary to the President for Protocol Affairs, Office of the President Mar. 2008 Director-General for Planning and Management, MOFAT Jan. 2009 Director-General for South Asian and Pacific Affairs, MOFAT Mar. 2011 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Apr. 2014 Head of Preparatory Secretariat for ASEAN-Republic of Korea Commemorative Summit 2014 Mar. 2015 Special Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and Government Representative for UNESCO Affairs Nov. 2015 Special Advisor to the Minister, MOFA and Government Representative and Sherpa for the Nuclear Security Summit Mar. 2016 Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs, MOFA Jan. 2018 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the French Republic Dec. 2020 2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs |