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KO Yunju
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
Director-General for North American Affairs 북미국장
고윤주 외교부 북미국장은 1995년 외교부에 입부한 이래, 자유무역협정상품과장, 북미국 심의관, 국가안보실 선임행정관 등을 역임하였으며, 주미국대사관, 주이라크대사관, 주뉴욕총영사관 등에서 근무하였다. 연세대 경제학과를 졸업한 뒤, 연세대 경제학 석사, 미국 터프츠대 국제관계학 석사 및 미국 조지워싱턴대 법학 석사를 취득하였으며, 2013년 녹조근정훈장을 수상한바 있다.

Director-General for North American Affairs Yunju Ko, prior to assuming this position, served as Director for FTA Goods, Deputy Director-General for North American Affairs and worked at Office of National Security as Deputy Secretary. His overseas postings include Washington D.C., Baghdad, and New York. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Economics from Yonsei University, an M.A. in International Relations from Tufts University and a Master of Laws from George Washington University. He received Order of Service Merit (Green Stripes) in 2013.