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KIM Youngwan
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Professor 교수
김영완(金映完) 교수는 현재 한국외국어대학교 LD 학부에 교수로 재직 중이다. 연세대 정치외교학과를 졸업했으며 캘리포니아주립대 샌디에고(University of California San Diego)에서 국제개발로 석사를 받았다. 2011년에는 아이오와주립대(University of Iowa) 정치학과에서 박사를 받았으며 그 후 아이오와 주립대(Iowa State University)에서 2년간 강의전담교수로 일하였으며 고려대학교에서 연구교수로 재직하였다. 주요연구 분야는 공적개발원조, 비정부기구, 국제개발협력, 국제기구, 국제법 등이다. UNICEF, 국제공화정연구소, 휴먼아시아 등 다양한 국제개발협력 기구에서 일을 하였으며 코이카, 외교부, 통일부 등과 같이 연구를 진행하기도 하였다. 공저로 국제기구라는 책을 집필하였으며 대표적 연구는 World Development, Development and Change, Foreign Policy Analysis, Disasters 등에 실렸다.

Youngwan Kim, Ph.D. is Professor at the Division of Language and Diplomacy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. He had his B.A. in political science from Yonsei University and M.A. in international development from the University of California San Diego. After receiving his PhD in political science from the University of Iowa in 2011, he worked as a lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Iowa State University for two years and then as a research professor at Korea University before taking his current position. He also worked as a visiting scholar at the University of California San Diego. His research interests include foreign aid, NGOs, international development cooperation, international organizations, and international law. He also has work experience in the field of international development cooperation with several international organizations such as UNICEF, International Republican Institute, Humanasia and so on. In addition, he conducted a variety of research and field projects with KOICA, MOFA, and MOU. With co-authored book, International Organizations: Politics of Global Governance, his representative works have been published in several journals like World Development, Development and Change, Foreign Policy Analysis, Disasters, etc.