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BAEK Sookhee
Vice President 이사
백숙희 이사는 현재 한국국제협력단 아프리카·중동·중남미본부 이사로, 1987년 KOICA 입사 후 한국국제협력단 CS경영센터장(2017~2018), 경제사회개발부장(2016~2017), 캄보디아사무소장(2013~2016), 경영관리부장․원조조달부장(2012~2013), 민관협력실장(2011~2012), 미얀마사무소장(2003~2005)등을 역임했다. 백숙희 이사는 한국외국어대학교 영어학과를 졸업하였으며, 한양대학교 공공정책대학원에서 행정학 석사학위를, 가천대학교 행정대학원 행정학 박사학위를 취득하였다.

Dr. Sookhee Baek is Vice President for Africa, Middle East and Latin America Programs at Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). She started her career by joining KOICA in 1987. She held several positions including CS management center, socio-economic development department, civil society cooperation office, and governance team among others. She also has worked as a country director at KOICA’s overseas offices in Cambodia and Myanmar. She received MPA in Graduate School of Public Administration, Hanyang University, and Ph.D in public administration at Gachon University.