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KANG Jooyoung
Jeju National University Law School
제주대학교 법학전문대학원
Professor 교수
강주영은 제주대학교 법학전문대학원 교수이며 한국재정법학회 부회장이다. 전 한국공법학회 기획이사, 전 한국법제연구원 부연구위원 재정법제센터장을 지냈다.

Joo-young KANG is Professor of Jeju Naitonal University Law School, he is teaching Administrative law and Tax law. He has recently taken an interest in fiscal soundness as an area of fiscal law. In addition, he is studying legislative measures to overcome the various problems faced by the local governments. He received LL.M. and Doctor degrees in Tax Administration Law from the University of Osnabrueck University in Germany.