World Federation of United Nations Associations(WFUNA)
유엔협회세계연맹 Secretary-General 사무총장
Bonian Golmohammadi was elected Secretary-General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) in August 2009. Previously, Mr. Golmohammadi served as Secretary-General of the United Nations Association (UNA) of Sweden for eight years. Under his leadership, UNA-Sweden increased its budget from $1 million to $5 million, and expanded its staff from 10 to 30 full-time employees. UNA Sweden now has over 110 local chapters all over Sweden and more than 100 national organizations as members. Since 2005, Mr. Golmohammadi has served as President of the UNA Europe Network, coordinating United Nations Associations from all over Europe. He has served or is serving on various advisory boards for Swedish Ministers for Development, international development corporations, UN entities, and civil society organizations.
Mr. Golmohammadi earned a degree in Political Science, and has studied International Law, Human Rights and Philosophy, from Stockholm and Uppsala Universities. Golmohammadi씨는 현재 유엔협회세계연맹(WFUNA) 사무총장을 맡고 있다. 2009년 제39차 유엔협회세계연맹 총회에서 당선되었다. 그는 유럽유엔협회네트워크 회장, 스웨덴 국제개발협력청, 국제개발기업, 유엔 조직, 시민단체 등 자문위원으로 역할하고 있으며 이전에는 스웨덴유엔협회(UNA) 사무총장으로 활동하였다. 그는 스톡홀름 대학 정치학 학사, 웁살라 대학 국제법/인권/철학 석사이다. |