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Cheju Halla University
Director of Human Resource Development Center / Assistant professor, Department 인력개발원장 / 호텔경영학과 교수
한주연 교수는 현재 제주한라대학교 호텔경영학과 교수와 인력 개발원장으로 재직중입니다. 펜실베니아 주립대학교에서 박사, 코넬대학교에서 석사, 네바다 주립대학교에서 학사 학위를 받았습니다. 또한, 서울 신라호텔, 싱가폴 Fairmont Raffles 호텔, Orbitz Worldwide 아시아 본사에서 일했습니다. 한라대학교 재직 전, 한주연 교수는 미국 휴스턴 대학에서 조교수로 재직하였고, 주요 연구 관심 분야는 Hospitality와 관광분야의 매출관리, 소비자행동, 온라인 채널입니다.

Juyeon Rachel Han is currently an assistant professor and Director of Human Resource Development Center at Cheju Halla University. She received her doctoral degree from Pennsylvania State University, master’s degree from Cornell University and bachelor's degree from University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She has professional experience in the hospitality industry with Samsung Shilla Hotel and Fairmont Raffles Hotel International in room operations and revenue management. She also worked for Orbitz Worldwide. Before she joined Cheju Halla University, she worked at University of Houston as an assistant professor. Her research interest areas are revenue management, consumer behavior and online channels, with special emphasis on experiences and services in hospitality and tourism industry.