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JIN Hee Jong
Jeju National University
Lecturer 강사
진희종은 제주대학교 언론홍보학과 강사이다. 현재 대통령소속 자치분권위원회 정책자문위원,
사단법인 제주올래 자문위원, 제주주민자치연대 자문위원으로도 활동중이다. 이전에는 제주국제대학교 특임교수, 제주특별자치도 감사위원회 감사위원을 역임하였으며, KBS제주방송총국 <진희종의 제주진단>의 MC로도 활약하였다.

Jin Hee-Jong is a lecturer in the Department of Press and Public Relations at Jeju National University. Currently, he is a policy adviser to the Presidential Committee on Decentralization.He is also serving as an advisor to Jeju Olle Corporation, and to Jeju Residents' Solidarity. He previously served as a special professor at Jeju International University, an auditor of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Audit Committee, and also an hosted <Jin Hee-Jong Jeju Diagnostic> in KBS Jeju Broadcasting Bureau.